The museum aims to collect, conserve, document and display items of clothing, textiles and related items both domestic and commercial, from the nineteenth century to the present day. The museum aims to display and interpret the articles in their historical context.
Items in the collection cover men’s, women’s and children’s clothing, both special and everyday garments; articles and accessories associated with clothing, such as handbags; items from other countries, brought home and worn by Australians. Domestic textiles are also represented such as the signature supper cloth.
The museum collection includes unusual and exquisite items of clothing and handwork, everyday clothing reflecting fashion and world events, right through to “mend and make do items” illustrating the frugality, ingenuity and imagination of folk during times of deprivation, such as the Great Depression, World War I and World War II.
Visitors are invited to explore our collection, exhibitions and local social history.
Contact Us
Phone: Lynette 0408 329 495
Email: museumofclothing@gmail.com
Visit Us
Brough House, 73 Church Street, Maitland